
Overview[ depends on jquery.ztree.core js ]

Required automatically submit the parameters about the properties of the parent node, when the asynchronous load. It is valid when [setting.async.enable = true]

Default:[ ]

Array(String) Format

1. Just save the attribute name of node to the array. For example: ["id", "name"]

2. You can change the parameter name. For example: server only accepts "zId" -- ["id=zId"]

Examples of setting

1. set auto commit 'id' attribute

var setting = {
	async: {
		enable: true,
		url: "http://host/getNode.php",
		autoParam: ["id"]
If have the parent node: {id:1, name:"test"}, When asynchronously load this parent node's child nodes, will be submitted parameters: id=1

2. set auto commit 'id' attribute, but parameter name is 'zId'

var setting = {
	async: {
		enable: true,
		url: "http://host/getNode.php",
		autoParam: ["id=zId"]
If have the parent node: {id:1, name:"test"}, When asynchronously load this parent node's child nodes, will be submitted parameters: zId=1