Array(String) / JSONsetting.async.otherParam

Overview[ depends on jquery.ztree.core js ]

The static parameters of the Ajax request. (key - value) It is valid when [setting.async.enable = true]

Default: [ ]

Array(String) Format

Can be empty array. e.g. [ ]. If set key, you must set value, e.g. [key, value]. ([key] or [key, value, key] is wrong!!)

JSON Format

Use JSON data format set the key-value. e.g. { key1:value1, key2:value2 }

Examples of setting

1. Use Array(String) Format

var setting = {
	async: {
		enable: true,
		url: "http://host/getNode.php",
		otherParam: ["id", "1", "name", "test"]
when zTree send ajax, the parameters will has: id=1&name=test

2. Use JSON data Format

var setting = {
	async: {
		enable: true,
		url: "http://host/getNode.php",
		otherParam: { "id":"1", "name":"test"}
when zTree send ajax, the parameters will has: id=1&name=test