
Overview[ depends on jquery.ztree.excheck js ]

When one node is checked or unchecked, control its parent node and its child node auto checked or unchecked. It is valid when [setting.check.enable = true & setting.check.chkStyle = "checkbox"]

Default: { "Y": "ps", "N": "ps" }

JSON Format

"Y" attribute use to set auto check after checkbox was checked.
"N" attribute use to set auto uncheck after checkbox was unchecked.
If value has "p", so parent nodes will be checked or unchecked.
If value has "s", so child nodes will be checked or unchecked.

Please note that letter case, do not change.

Examples of setting

1. If check the node, so only auto check parent nodes; If uncheck the node, so only auto uncheck child nodes;

var setting = {
	check: {
		enable: true,
		chkStyle: "checkbox",
		chkboxType: { "Y": "p", "N": "s" }