Boolean / Function(treeId, treeNode)setting.edit.showRemoveBtn

Overview[ depends on jquery.ztree.exedit js ]

Set to show or hide the remove button. It is valid when [setting.edit.enable = true]

When you click the remove button:

1. zTree will trigger the setting.callback.beforeRemove callback, and you can decide whether to allow delete.

2. If you don't set the 'beforeRemove' or the 'beforeRemove' callback return true, so zTree will trigger the setting.callback.onRemove callback after remove the node.

Default: true

Boolean Format

true means: show the remove button

false means: hide the remove button

Function Parameter Descriptions


zTree unique identifier: treeId, easy for users to control.


JSON data object of the node which show the remove button

Return Boolean

Return value is same as 'Boolean Format'

Examples of setting & function

1. Hide the remove button

var setting = {
	edit: {
		enable: true,
		showRemoveBtn: false

2. Hide the remove button of parent node

function setRemoveBtn(treeId, treeNode) {
	return !treeNode.isParent;
var setting = {
	edit: {
		enable: true,
		showRemoveBtn: setRemoveBtn